Ways to earn money online
Hi there, Hope you are doing well. Today I am here to give insight into how to make money online. I will guide you through every step in detail. Even if you are the new bee in this industry, nowadays Much flashy Content is shown in our News feed they show you that making money is like eating a piece of cake But not falling into their trap, Nothing is free. everything requires curtains talent and skill set, Time, and dedication.
There are many things every day blooming in technology and the market evolving rapidly. Need to update with the trend. Still, I will tell you the secret rule. There are a few steps you have to take to earn online, either you have to learn the skill set or invest in something.
There are two ways you have to keep in mind.
- Freelancing (skills)
- Investment (Cryptocurrency, stocks, Blog post )
This is the main two way even where the market goes or technology involves
freelancing is the way where you use skills to earn money like: Graphic design, coding, and Digital marketing, Many more you can simply ask with CHATGPT(take advantage of AI) if you are not sure what to choose from and which point to start. simply choose any topic just try to play around with that skill, which one do you like, enjoy doing, or where does your focus go more than another niche, choose that one, and keep it simple. just take one step the other door will open automatically.
Where to learn Skill
- YouTube (is a great platform to gain ideas)
- there are other platforms like (Google Garage, Coursera, Alsion many more) just search on ChatGPT or Google: Free Cousre on XYZ Topic, Check reviews, and take the course
After gaining the skill take the step
Make a portfolio first. Use your skill to market on platforms like: Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, etc (this is a mainstream site). Use your network if you have one, simply join Facebook/quora / Reddit Group. If you have specific skills like Ethical hacker they have their specific site.
Bonus Tips: You can boost your gig if you pay a small amount to a platform like freelancer.com/ Fiverr.com / Upwork. Order getting chance will be high, its proven method.
Understand the Platform and how it works which site for Whom?
Everyone loves their hard-earned money. there is nothing like if you invest today and it will grow tomorrow there is no guarantee. sometimes luck is on your side that is a different thing. study the game, and check the history and possibility of profit in the future. Do a little bit of research about the topic that you are going to invest in. It will be a good move, don’t put your egg in one basket.
For sure you have to take a risk of losing, if can’t afford it please avoid this step.
These are the Technical parts, the main thing is to make your mindset this one is the main asset, believe in yourself self believe in the process, and give dedication and time, be disciplined.
My friend just Go and try, It will be worth it!
Very good