From Nothing: Only an idea can spark a whole different perspective of life the way you live. Only one hope can give you the energy to drive you down a whole different road. Only one action can be the whole game changer. The only thing that you need is to take action, and the other things will automatically get into shape.
The one thing, dear all of my overthinkers, is that you need only one more thing to get completely out of this chaos bubble. Of course, it will take time; nothing can change immensely early, and immature things are scams. It always takes sleepless nights, the Right mindset and idea, time, and lots of unseen practice, which you do when nobody notices. You have to wait for a time; until that time arrives, just make yourself ready for that situation.
We are human we can do everything, but that does not mean you have to do everything, what you need, what the story demands plan and work according to it, might be you have hard time. Nothing is permanent it will go. Believe me, you will move on! Try to make yourself calm 1st take a deep breath. See around you what bothering you, analyze search for the solution, and take action. Sometimes if need to see yourself as the third person and give advice to yourself.
Self-taking is not bad, that is the thing you need it most. The condition is don’t create a problem I recommend you to seek a healthy and wealthy life. Get out from for comfort Zone, try something new and different. Check the possibilities there are endless. Don’t hurt yourself too much in any process. Just push little by little there are steps to reach in top go step by step, lift is only for the physical world. Still, I choose stare for 1&2 floor.